How to obtain letters of recommendation
You are ready to apply for graduate school or for a job, and you need some
letters of recommendation. Here are some tips that should help you
get the best possible letters from faculty at SFSU.
Choose faculty members who know you well: your thesis advisor, or someone
who has taught you, preferably in more than one class.
Ask each faculty member that you choose if they would be willing to
write a letter for you. Allow plenty of time- faculty are busy people
and they may be writing letters for several people.
Prepare a package for each faculty member that contains the following:
A list of the schools or employers for whom you are requesting letters,
together with appropriate deadlines
The forms that each school requires. If there is no special form
for a school, please say so. Complete your part of each form.
Don't make the faculty member write your name N times, where N
may be large!
A copy of your SFSU transcript
A statement of purpose, if you are including one with your application,
or a short statement of your goals
If the letter is to a prospective employer, the resume that you have sent
to that employer
A stamped, addressed envelope for each letter
Your GRE score, if you have one
Decide whether you want to sign the confidentiality waiver. Bear
in mind that some schools place less weight on letters that are not confidential.
If you decide not to sign, make sure that the faculty member knows this
is not an omission, but is your choice. Some faculty will not write
letters unless the waiver is signed- check with each person when you ask
her/him to write the letter.
If you are successful, please notify the faculty member of the schools
that admitted you (or the jobs that you got) and where you will be going.
And finally, do keep in touch! We like to hear from you.