Instructions for the mid-term exam
You may prepare ONE, hand-written, 8x11 sheet of notes for
reference. You must write your name on the sheet, attach it to your exam, and turn it
in at the end of the exam period. In most cases, you will not
receive credit for material copied directly from your notes. This should not be an exercise in "writing small". You should write in a size equivalent to 12-point type or larger.
You may use a calculator if you wish, but its use is discouraged. Any calculator you do use must be non-programmable, non-graphing.
Numerical values in decimals will receive less credit than fractions
(for example, 11/13) and surds (for example, the square root of
No other resources of any kind may be used.
All steps must be properly explained and justified. In some
problems, credit will be given for the use of diagrams in the
solution. Such diagrams must be large and clear.
All written work must be clearly legible for credit to accrue.