(2) Students will demonstrate an awareness of physics and
astronomy and literature at significant junctures of human history as
they relate to cosmology and worldviews and their interaction.
They will identify significant cosmological models (e.g. Aristotelian,
geocentric or big-bang cosmologies) and explain how these models (and
abrupt changes from one to another) impact the literature of the
period. Students will explain how physics allows us to answer
questions about our universe.
(3) Students will integrate knowledge, experience, abilities and
interdisciplinary perspectives of cosmology and worldviews as
represented in physics and astronomy on the one hand and literature on
the other. They will develop the ability to analyze, synthesize, and
critically evaluate cosmology and world views in terms of human values,
and see how the physics of cosmology affects our cultural worldview and
vice versa.
(4) Students will demonstrate an ability to: discuss issues, provide
critical analysis of themes, and produce cogent writing (at least ten
pages) on the ideas exhibited in both physics/astronomy and literature,
and how these interact in their impact on our physical and cultural
views of our place in the universe, and our human values.
(5) Students will be able to prepare a written paper that includes
thoughtful demonstration of an awareness of diversity (cultural,
or social) as a factor affecting cosmology and world views.
Students are encouraged to study cultures other than our own in
preparing their final project.