Dr. Susan Lea
Tu Th 12:30 pm-13:45 pm
Room: TH 425
Note: Please check all the links in this document: they
refer to
important information.
e-mail me your questions and I'll post the answers here:
Required Text: Mathematics for Physicists. Susan Lea
Available from me as PDF if you cannot find it on line somewhere.
Optional Text: Physics: the nature
things. Susan Lea and John Burke, Brooks/Cole Publishing
Co or The Feynman Lectures on Physics
Mathematics is the language of Physics, and in this course we shall
some of that language. The course will be an overview of some of the
commonly used techniques of theoretical physics. Emphasis will be on
of the techniques rather than the rigorous mathematical
More than that, I hope you will learn how to write a complete solution
a problem, formulating your arguments clearly and concisely.
Learning objectives:
After successfully completing this course you should be able to:
Identify the appropriate mathematical tools needed to solve a given
Execute the required mathematical steps accurately.
Use appropriate numerical tools both in computation and in display of
Correctly formulate logical arguments.
Perform a thorough analysis of the result, including understanding how
principles effect the evolution of the system under study.
Produce a clear discussion of both the physics of the system and the
used to solve the problem.
Graduate students should produce solutions with
more elegance and completeness than is expected for undergraduate
Graduate students should go beyond the explicit requirements of each problem,
to investigate and explore the problem in detail.
Course procedures
We shall cover chapters 1 through 8 of the text, and additional topics
time permits. We shall look at applications in electromagnetic theory,
mechanical waves, heat flow, etc. The class reading listed in the class schedule must be completed prior to each class. We will be solving problems in class that require this knowledge. There will be a quiz on the reading at the beginning of each class, so read thoroughly! Work through all the examples. Homework will also be
assigned weekly. You are urged to discuss the problems among yourselves
and with me. But please get them done! The only way to become comfortable with the
material is through practice. I am looking for an honest effort, with a growth in
capability throughout the semester. You are not required to get
everything right at the first attempt. I shall not accept late homework
except in the case of illness or similar circumstances.
Use of any solution sets of any
kind and from any source is strictly forbidden! Your work must be
your own. Please review the department's plagiarism
Grading will be based on class participation (20%), homework exercises (15%), a mid-term (closed book, in class -
20%), project (5%)
and an in-class plus a take home final examination (40%). In problems
I am looking for a clear discussion of the issues and an accurate
Details. Your discussion
be clear, complete, yet concise. Avoid superfluous or
phrases! Here is a partial list of
things to avoid.
Please talk to me early in the semester to be sure you understand all
class requirements. Check my office hours and
plan to attend regularly.
If you do not already have one, talk to me about getting a
computer account. Some of the problems require numerical computation
and/or graphics.
If you choose to use a computer typesetting program to do your assignments,
you are responsible for proper formatting, line breaks and so on as well
as including necessary diagrams. Since the purpose of this class
is to learn mathematical technique, computer programs and published tables
are not to be used to do integrals,
sum sums, or especially to do algebra.
Text: Mathematics for Physicists. Susan M. Lea
Prerequisites: Physics 360 or consent of instructor.
Co-requisites: Concurrent registration in, or completion of, Physics 460 is required.
Additional reference materials:
See the bibliography in the text.
Lea and Burke Physics: the nature of things Good review of all the basic physics.
Butkov: Mathematical physics. Previous text for this courseApostol:Analysis. If you have never had a course in real or complex analysis, I recommend that you buy this book and read it carefully and thoroughly.
Margenau and Murphy: The Mathematics of Physics and Chemistry. Old but good
Mathews and Walker. Written as the text for this course at Caltech.
Courant and Hilbert: Reference work that has everything, but it's heavy going. 2 volumes.
Morse and Feshback: Methods of Theoretical Physics. See comments above. I prefer this book.
Jeffreys and Jeffreys. Methods of Mathematical Physics - dots the i's and crosses the t's. You may enjoy the quotes that start each chapter.
Arfken and Weber. .It's all in there, but the organization can be hard to follow sometimes.
Schaum's Outlines has texts on both Fourier and Laplace transforms. Good for extra examples.
Boas This text is at a slightly lower level.
Pages 31-49 in this newsletter give a good summary of scientific writing dos and don'ts.
There are many other useful texts with similar titles.
Class Schedule for Fall 2019
Office hours
Students with disabilities who need reasonable accommodations are encouraged to contact the instructor. The Disability Programs and Resource Center (DPRC) is available to facilitate the reasonable accommodations process. The DPRC is located in the Student Services Building and can be reached by telephone (voice/TTY 415-338-2472) or by email (dprc@sfsu.edu).